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Reason to Have Your Stump Removed in Denver

February 21, 2018

Reason to Have Your Stump Removed in Denver
When you have a tree removed, you are left with a stump, and unless you seek professional stump removal services, it will remain there for a very long time. There are a variety of reasons to consider having your stump removed in Denver, and many of them aren’t as apparently obvious as others in the grand scheme of things.


Let’s be honest: stumps are not very pretty. They are the last vestige of your wooded companion that is no more. They are the remnants of a once thriving organism that may have been with you and your family for generations. But beyond any nostalgia for the tree that once was, they also happen to be ugly and unsightly. The beauty potential of your yard is greatly reduced when you have a leftover stump.

Many people decide to leave the stump of their tree in place, as they don’t want to spend the extra money necessary to remove it. As a result, they are left with a slowly decaying piece of wood that restricts any landscaping projects in the future, and is generally a major eyesore, especially if the tree was in your front yard. Removing the stump from your property can allow you to beautify your landscape, and opens up more possibilities for gardening projects or future tree plantings.

Stumps Can Create New Tree Growth

If you decide to leave the remnants of your old tree behind by not removing the stump, you may open yourself up to having a new tree sprout up in its place. Stumps that are not removed can allow new tree sprouts to grow up in their place. These sprouts can grow up around the stump, which can look unsightly and can eventually create the need for these to also be removed.

New sprouts often times continue to come back, which can necessitate the use of chemical sprays to ensure that the sprouts do not continue to come back. This can be an added cost that is undesirable for any homeowner to have to undertake. These new trees can leach nutrients from nearby plants, ultimately doing harm to your surrounding landscape. This is a step that you do not want to have to take, and can be avoided with the removal of the stump.

Stumps are Hazardous and a Pain to Maneuver Around

Stumps are not only a pain in your side when it comes to their affect on your landscape, they can also create a hazard for you if you have small children or if anyone is not carely when navigating around them. By leaving your stump instead of removing it, children that are playing in your yard will have to avoid tripping over it. Additionally, if a neighbor trips over your stump and is injured, this can create a liability for you as a homeowner.

Stumps are also a pain to maneuver around in the course of maintaining your yard. Regardless of if you or your landscaper is the one responsible for cutting the grass and maintaining the property, having a stump in the ground will create an inconvenient obstacle to steer around. If you are weeding or mowing, you will constantly have to steer clear of your stump, which can make the chore of cutting the grass a bigger headache than it needs to be. By removing a stump out of the picture, you will not only reduce your headache, but you will save time by not having to constantly avoid the stump.

Stumps Take up Yard Space that can be Reserved for Other Projects

The presence of a stump can be a burden and a nuisance to a homeowner, specifically regarding the potential of future landscaping projects. By having a stump that is not removed, you are restricting your ability to take on new landscaping projects. If you are someone who sees their yard as a canvas to paint your personalized touch onto, having a stump in the ground will greatly reduce your ability to take on any project.

If you are gardening or want to improve your land through other landscaping projects, you will constantly have to factor in the placement of your stump when taking on any design. Having a stump in the middle of a flower or vegetable garden can not only look silly, but it can also be detrimental to the health of any plant you intend to grow nearby.

By removing your stump, you will free up precious yard space to take on that new project for your Denver home. It can open up your landscape in ways you didn’t think were possible prior to removing the stump, which can allow for your own landscaping renaissance. It may cost you a bit more in the short term to have a stump removed and ground down, but by doing so you give yourself greater wiggle room to unleash your creative mind onto your yard.

Stumps Attract Insects

By leaving a stump in your yard, you open yourself up to attracting insects and pests. Certain critters will see your rotting and decaying stump as their next meal. Termites, beetles, ants, and other wood-boring insects will dive right into your decaying stump. By attracting these pests, you may end up dealing with their presence inside of your home as well. This can lead to costly repairs and expenses far beyond the cost of removing the stump itself.

It can take many years before a stump is fully decayed and can be removed with a shovel and simple household tools. This means that for years to come, your yard may be a target of pests and other undesirable organisms. On this fact alone, it may be advisable to consider having your stump removed from your yard before it becomes a bigger problem.

If you are in need of having a stump removed from your yard, contact Arbor Garden today to speak with one of our qualified professionals. We are happy to answer any questions regarding stump removal or any other concern related to the health of your trees.

Denver Tree Service Shares Common Pests to Watch for This Spring

February 7, 2018

Denver Tree Service Shares Common Pests to Watch for This Spring
Spring is just around the corner and before you know it, your trees will start blooming like mad. While their leaves and blossoms offer plenty of shade and beauty for your landscaping, they can be damaged relatively easily. After a long winter, pests, diseases, and fungi all start getting active and these hazards can quickly turn the foliage from green to brown. Once the damage starts, correcting the issue can be difficult at best, but the sooner you notice anything amiss, the better. Here are a few of the most common issues Denver landscaping companies see in trees during the spring.

Scale Insects

Scale insects are a lot like the aphids you see on flower bushes and in houseplants, but they prefer trees. These little green insects eat through the leaves and buds of trees entering their main growing season, leaving small holes and slimy trails behind. In addition to sticky and slimy leaves, scale insects also deposit harmful a harmful fungus on the bark and leaves which can spread to the rest of the tree if left unchecked.

Unlike aphids, scale insects are much easier to see often before the infestation reaches extreme levels. Look for colorful patches on the trunk and in the branches as scale insects like to gather in groups. If you notice a large number of insects, don’t panic—there may not be a full infestation. However, you will want to schedule an inspection with an arborist to assess the damage and develop a treatment plan. The longer these insects stay in the tree, the more likely it is that the tree will rapidly deteriorate.


Though more commonly associated with roses and other flowering bushes, aphids have been known to make a home in the trees. Like scale insects, they eat the leaves and blossoms on your trees and leave behind a sticky sap-like substance after digesting the plant material. Once the leaves become coated in the substance, they start to wither and decay. Over time, the decay can result in trunk mold and lead to severe damage to the tree’s vascular system.

Surprisingly, there are many different types of aphids that can infest trees, and since they’re small and difficult to see, identifying them can be difficult. Once you recognize the symptoms as an aphid infestation, you’ll need to have the condition assessed to better develop a treatment plan. Different species of aphids respond to different pesticides, and using a generic treatment may not be enough to get rid of the infestation.

Bark Beetle

Bark beetles have been a problem for the last decade, especially among Colorado’s pine and juniper population. These insects burrow into the trunk and slowly eat away at the wood, killing the tree’s circulatory system. Damage often starts to manifest as discolored needles, typically beginning at the top of the tree. However, unlike other pests, bark beetle damage cannot be repaired once an infestation is found. Instead, you’ll need to remove the infested tree from the property and either spray the tree with a chemical treatment or burn the wood. Luckily, removing the tree is often enough to prevent the spread of beetles on your property. If you’ve noticed bark beetle damage on nearby properties, you may want to use preventative treatments and sprays to protect the pines in your yard.


While termites are more commonly associated with structural damage to buildings, they can also wreak havoc on your home’s landscaping. When left unchecked and untreated, termites can slowly kill the tree, eating away at the cellulose inside the wood and weakening the supportive structure of the trunk and roots. Termite damage is relatively easy to spot even in the early stages of an infestation. Look around the trunk of the tree. If you see wood dust mixed with the dirt or notice mud tubes climbing the base of the tree, there may be termites nearby. Take a stick or shovel and gently dig up a small amount of soil around the tree. If termites are infesting the tree, they’ll likely be crawling in the soil. Though they spread slowly, you’ll still want to schedule treatment as soon as possible. Putting off a termite extermination not only puts the rest of your landscaping at risk, but also increases the likelihood of a colony taking up residence in your house.

Emerald Ash Borer

The emerald ash borer is a relatively new addition to Colorado’s pest list, with the first known infestation being detected in 2013. These troublesome pests do most of their damage in the larval state when they burrow into the trunk, consuming the wood pulp and cellulose of the trunk. When a large enough population of borers takes up residence in a tree, it can compromise the health of the tree, killing it slowly from the inside. The easiest way to prevent damage from emerald ash borers is to make sure the trees are properly cared for and can firmly establish themselves in your yard. Most severe damage only happens when the trees do not have an established root system or have experienced other infestations that compromise their health.

Root Rot

Though not an insect, root rot can be just as deadly even for otherwise healthy trees. This condition is most common during the spring and is caused by moist wet soil that does not have adequate drainage. Soil naturally traps moisture and water around the roots of living trees, helping them receive the nutrients they need. However, when the water can’t evaporate, it can cause the material to break down while also encouraging mold and fungus growth in the soil. Often, the fungus will spread throughout the root system, preventing the roots from getting the nutrients they need to thrive.

While it can occur in yards with poorly timed irrigation systems, it can also result from natural weather patterns like frequent heavy rain or slow snowmelt. If the ground seems saturated, avoid watering the area until the first few inches of soil dry out. The last thing you’ll want to do is add water to the soil. Unfortunately, root rot can only be prevented rather than cured. Work with a landscaping team to ensure that your space has the proper drainage to keep moisture from being a problem.

Whether you think you have a pest problem or simply want to set your trees up for a successful growing season our crew is ready to help. At Arbor Garden, we believe that every homeowner deserves a beautiful yard filled with healthy trees. Contact us today and let our team keep your trees happy, healthy, and thriving.

7 Reasons to Schedule Winter Tree Trimming with a Denver Tree Service

January 24, 2018

7 Reasons to Schedule Winter Tree Trimming with a Denver Tree Service
For most homeowners, the last thing on their minds in the winter is their landscaping. After all, the cold and snow often means you’re seeking warmth indoors rather than spending time outside enjoying nature. You’re far more likely to be worried about the condition of the roads or finding the snow shovel to clear off your walkway and sidewalk once the snows start to fall. However, even when you’re spending less time in your yard, the trees and large shrubs still need care and attention during the winter months. Here are a few reasons to trust Denver landscaping companies to prune and trim your trees in the winter rather than waiting for the warmth of spring.

Easier to Access

Large trees require heavy equipment and machinery in order to be safely trimmed, pruned, or even removed if the tree is damaged. During the warmer months, the ground around the tree is soft and compresses easily under heavy weight. This can lead to damage to your lawn while also extending the time the Denver tree service needs to spend working on each tree. When the temperatures drop in the winter, the ground temperature drops as well, making areas that are almost inaccessible to heavy equipment easy to get to. Remember, frozen ground can support more weight without compressing the root systems of the rest of your landscaping. This means the tree service will be in and out more quickly, saving you both time and money on your home’s landscaping maintenance.

Faster Recovery

During the growing season, trees devote most of their energy towards producing leaves and flowers. When a limb breaks or is trimmed during this time, the tree has fewer resources to devote to healing the damaged area. This means those simple cuts can take far longer to heal, leaving the tree open to damage from disease, insects, and even the elements. Since trees are dormant in the winter and not actively producing new growth, their energy can be directed towards healing the trimmed area. Ultimately, these cuts heal more quickly, exposing the tree to fewer diseases and helping reduce the risk of insect infestations that could manifest when the weather warms up.

Damage is Visible

Lush leaves are great for shading your property, but they can make assessing the condition of the tree difficult. The more of the tree that’s covered by vegetation, the more difficult it is for the tree service to assess insect damage or look for signs of disease. When the tree drops its leaves in the winter, it makes spotting damage far easier. An arborist will have an unobstructed view of the entire canopy and can more accurately inspect the entire tree for problems. The sooner damage is caught, the better off the tree will be and the more proactive the landscaping service can be in developing a treatment plan during the growing season.

Reduces the Risk of Property Damage

Heavy snows may be unpredictable, but when they come, they often do significant damage to trees. When these trees are located close to a house, weak or damaged limbs can snap, falling onto your roof or scraping along your siding. While it may not do damage, many homeowners face extensive roof repairs when limbs break under heavy snow. By trimming in the winter, an arborist can better assess which branches are potentially problematic and which ones can safely weather a severe storm. This will help reduce the risk of property damage and ensures that your home and family stay safe and dry despite the rough weather outside.

Sets Landscaping Up for Success in Spring

During the growing season, trees actively try to support growth and healing on all of their branches. Even areas with damaged limbs receive nutrients to help stimulate healing and growth, diverting resources from the healthy parts of the tree. By trimming these damaged areas off in the winter, your landscaping team sets the tree up for a successful and vibrant growing season. All the tree’s resources can go to living branches rather than struggling to support damaged or dying areas. Furthermore, when limbs are trimmed during the growing season, the tree’s growth potential in those areas me be limited. After all, if a limb is already blooming when its pruned, the area may not recover enough to produce a second round of blooms before the season passes.

Precision Cuts Are Easier to Make

Even the best arborists can make mistakes when the tree is covered in foliage. This means some trimming may be done too close to the healthy part of the tree. During the winter, it’s easier for the crews to see what they’re doing, where the cut needs to be made, and precisely where to place the sheers or saw. The more precise they can be, the less risk there is that the limb will be damaged and the faster the area can heal after the trimming.

Stimulates New Growth

When left unchecked, a tree’s growth can get a bit out of control. During the spring and summer, the limbs stretch and produce new offshoots that can shade existing landscaping or get dangerously close to your home and powerlines. Without the foliage, you’ll be able to see the actual shape of the tree and decide how the branches need to grow once the seasons change. With careful trimming, a landscaping team will be able to shape the tree, encouraging the limbs to grow where you want them rather than where nature would otherwise dictate.  

No amount of springtime fertilization and maintenance can make up for preventative pruning during the dormant season. Winter tree maintenance is key to setting your home’s landscaping up for success in the spring. While you may be able to prune and trim shrubs and low-lying branches on your own, it’s best to leave the major trimming to the professionals. Let the team at Arbor Garden keep your trees growing well year after year. Our experienced staff will assess each tree before making a single cut so you can rest assured that your landscaping will look great come spring. Don’t wait. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Signs Your Tree in Denver Needs to be Trimmed or Removed

January 10, 2018

Signs Your Tree in Denver Needs to be Trimmed or Removed
The decision to trim or remove a tree in Denver is an important one. Trimming a tree is critical for maintaining the health of your constant, wooded companion. It is essential to know the proper methods and appropriate timing for cutting back your tree’s limbs. It is always recommended to seek the advice of a qualified arborist to ensure that you make the right decision.

Trees are one of the most prominent features of your landscape. They provide shade to cool your home in the summer, and add a touch of nature to your property that balances out the surrounding features of a city environment. It is for this reason that making the decision to trim or remove a tree can be incredibly difficult for homeowners.

Trimming, if done incorrectly, can severely damage the health of your tree, and may eventually require it to be removed completely. The act of removing a tree can be heartbreaking, as it has become such a staple of your home that it can be akin to losing a family member. The sight of an empty front yard is not ideal, especially if you’ve gotten used to the sight of that maple tree.

Signs your tree needs to be trimmed

Your tree will require some level of pruning throughout its lifespan, and it is important to know when that pruning will be required. If you are wondering whether your tree requires pruning in the near future, there are several things to take into account.

The most obvious sign that a tree requires trimming is the presence of broken branches. This often results from stormy weather, whether from lightning strikes or excessive wind and snow. In addition to broken branches, the existence of large amounts of deadwood is another sign that your tree needs to be pruned.

Crossing branches are another indicator that your tree requires some degree of pruning. If left unattended, crossing branches can damage the bark of your tree, which can lead to further health issues for the plant. Wandering branches are also a factor to look for when deciding whether your tree needs pruning. This is when branches jet out and grow towards things such as power lines, which can not only damage the tree but can also lead to expensive repairs to your home’s electrical lines.

If your tree’s canopy has become misshapen due to a lack of pruning, it is likely a good time to consider trimming it. When a tree’s canopy is not shaped through correct and appropriate pruning, it can often end up looking unsightly and undesirable. While tree’s provide a wide variety of utilitarian functions, they also contribute to your property’s overall aesthetic. Awkwardly shaped trees can give the appearance of a neglected landscape.

An additional sign that your tree requires trimming is when you have uninhibited tree growth. This is when a tree has ample room to grow due to a lack of other trees or structures nearby, and it grows outward instead of upward. This can lead to branches that create an imbalance in the weight distribution of the tree, leading to further damage to the rest of the organism.

The existence of cankers in your tree is another sign that your tree is in need of pruning. Cankers are when the bark of the tree is either sunken in or is completely missing. If not pruned, this can lead to further disease, rotting, and decay of the entire plant.

Signs it may be time to remove your tree

There are some factors to look out for that may indicate your tree is beyond repair and is in need of being completely removed. As with the tree itself, the best starting point in determining a tree’s overall health can be found at the roots. Examining the health of your tree’s roots is important, as this is where many issues begin. The soil a tree is rooted in may contain fungi that is contributing to the decay of the plant. If root health is beyond remediation, it is inevitable that the entire health of the plant will soon be as well, meaning removal will be required.

Another warning sign to be on the lookout for are large cavities in the trunk or in larger scaffold branches. This is indicative of decay that resulted from injury, according to the University of Florida. This injury may have happened years ago, whether from a pruning cut made too close to the trunk, cutting or removing part of the root system, or topping the trunk or branches.

The presence of dead limbs or hanging branches in the upper crown of the tree may also be a sign that your tree is in need of removal. While a small amount of dieback in the crown is normal, an excessive amount of crown dieback is a sign that the health of your tree is suffering and that it is under stress.

Chipped or peeling bark is yet another signal that your tree’s health may be declining to the point that it may need to be cut down. Chipped or peeling bark can be due to any number of factors, such as lack of water over an extended period of time. It may also be the result of cold winter nights that causes the trunk to crack, which is often referred to as frost crack. While having peeling, chipped, or cracked bark can be normal, the degree to which the tree’s bark is damaged can play in part in the process of determining whether a tree is in need of removal.

At Arbor Garden, we take pride in our vast and extensive knowledge of tree health and the proper methods for caring for your constant wooded companions. We understand the importance of having trees that not only look their best, but are also in the best health. WE are happy to speak to you regarding any questions you may have regarding your tree. If you are seeking answers regarding the possibility of trimming or removing your tree, contact Arbor Garden today.

The Importance of Working With Denver Landscaping Companies That Employ Qualified Arborists

November 29, 2017

The Importance of Working With Denver Landscaping Companies That Employ Qualified Arborists
There are countless Denver landscaping companies, so it can be difficult to figure out which one you should do business with. A great way to narrow down your options is to look for companies that employ arborists. An arborist is a professional who is trained to care for trees and shrubs. Why is it so important to choose a company that has an arborist on staff? Here are some of the many reasons:

Spot Signs of Trouble

Landscapers can completely transform your property and make it much more visually appealing using flowers, plants, and shrubs. But, caring for a tree involves far more than making sure it looks good. Arborists are trained to inspect trees and identify potential issues before they become major problems. Arborists will be able to spot the signs of diseased or decaying trees, pest infestations, and other problems that could seriously damage the trees in your yard. However, landscapers are not trained to look for these problems. Therefore, they may not recognize these signs until it is too late to do anything about them. If these problems are not addressed, the tree could become so weak that it topples over, which could damage your home or even worse, hurt someone who is on your property.

Specialized Equipment

Landscapers have to use a wide variety of tools, such as lawn mowers, edge trimmers, and clippers. But, arborists use far more advanced and dangerous tools that landscapers may or may not be familiar with. For example, landscapers only need a hand held set of clippers to trim a small shrub on the ground. On the other hand, arborists need climbing and rigging equipment in order to climb up a tree to trim branches or remove sections that could be a hazard. Landscapers most likely do not have experience working with the equipment needed to do this task, which is why you should never ask them to do it unless they have a certified arborist on staff.

Special Services

Arborists perform a wide variety of services that landscapers do not. For example, landscapers may suggest that you remove unsightly tree stumps in your yard, but unless they have an arborist on staff, there’s no way for them to remove it for you.

Arborists are also trained in how to properly prune trees to keep them healthy and strong. Landscapers may offer this service, but they often don’t understand the science behind when and how to prune a tree. For instance, landscapers may not know when it is time to prune a tree or how much should be trimmed off of the tree to promote growth. Many landscapers may even make the mistake of suggesting tree topping, which is a method of pruning that could do irreversible harm to the trees in your yard.

An arborist can also assist with planting trees, which is another service that most landscapers do not offer. It is much more difficult to plant a tree than it is to plant a small shrub or flower garden. Arborists have to take a number of factors into consideration when planting a tree, including the future growth pattern of the tree, the amount of sunlight and shade the tree will receive, and the type of soil the tree needs to thrive.

These are just some of the many special services that are offered by arborists in the community. If you hire a landscaper that does not employ an arborist, you will not have access to these valuable services.

Emergency Help

A landscaper cannot respond in the event of an emergency, but an arborist can. This means if a tree falls over or starts tilting to one side after a windstorm, you should contact an arborist for assistance. An arborist will come to your property as soon as possible and either remove or trim the tree back to reduce the risk of property damage or injury. Arborists are even trained to handle situations where a tree could fall on top of a power line. This can be extremely dangerous, which is why it’s absolutely imperative to let a professional handle it instead of trusting a landscaper who is not a certified arborist.

How to Choose An Arborist

As you can see, it’s incredibly important to hire a landscaping company that employs an arborist. But, how do you know when you’ve found the right arborist for the job? First, ask if the arborist belongs to any professional organizations. The best arborists are involved with the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) or the Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA). You should also make sure the arborist is certified by the ISA. Arborists with this certification have gone through extensive training, so they are able to handle many different types of challenges.

Once you’ve narrowed down the list of potential arborists, don’t be afraid to ask for references. If the arborist is not able to give you a list of potential clients that you can contact, ask if you can have a list of addresses that he has worked on in the past. Instead of speaking directly to the client, simply drive by the property to check the quality of the arborist’s work.

You should also ask a handful of different arborists for estimates, but keep in mind that the price should not be the only factor that you consider when choosing an arborist. An arborist that charges much less than other professionals in the industry may be doing so in order to make up for the fact that he does not provide the same quality of work. Learn more about how to hire an arborist.

Are you ready to take the next step and work with a team of certified arborists? Arbor Garden is a locally owned and operated tree services company that specializes in tree pruning, removing, stump removal, planting, and pest management. Our certified arborists are more than happy to answer your questions and care for your trees. Contact us today to learn more about our tree and integrated pest management services and receive a free estimate.